Dog Poop Is Just Plain Nasty (And So Disgusting)!

 Dog poop disposal is not a very pleasant thing to have to do. I think more people would rather have a root canal than have to reach down and touch that smelly nasty pet waste. OK, maybe not make a visit to the dentist to endure his torture, but I think you get my meaning. Dog waste removal is disgusting and very harmful to our environment, unless you are like the guy, who while working for a certain waste collection company, actually found $58 in some dog poo. Guess that made his job worthwhile (for the moment anyway.) Now this is a dedicated removal service employee. He actually picked the money out of the feces, sanitized it (somehow), and gave it back to the customers he was working for. Now that is a dog poop scooper who is dedicated to his craft. Have to wonder about the friendly pet people who accepted the money though. I mean I am all for the mighty dollar (especially 58 of them), but money that has been sitting in dog poo, think I would have to let that $58 go. Here's an interesting fact, did you know it takes on average, 1000 years for a plastic bag to degrade on its own? The average pet owner uses 14 of these bags per week to clean up after his pet, and there are 77 million dogs in the USA alone. I am not a mathematician now, but that equals a lot of plastic doing harm to our environment, the way I see it. And not to mention the way dog waste contaminates our landfills and raises bacteria levels at our beaches and waterways.

So the question is, what to do with dog poop? You can do like some people and just get a regular plastic bag to put your dogs feces in or maybe be like the more conscientious pet owner and get biodegradable dog poop bags and scoop the poop into them with your pooper scooper and throw it in the trash, causing all sorts of health dangers to yourself, and others, by 23 million fecal coli-formed bacteria. You can call a removal service dog poop cleaning service and let them deal with it, but from my experience, they mostly come out only once a week and I know my dogs go a lot more than that, how about once every 10 minutes (OK, that is only after I feed them a burrito). But daily, I clean up after my guys and I know if a service were to come to your house that often, you better have the name Rockefeller to pay them. I see you getting excited, you are thinking I am finally going to get to the answer about what to do with the dog dooley and how to go about your dog waste clean up. But not yet my friends, remember patience is a virtue.

Another question must be answered first and that is, "what is eco friendly?" These are activities or products that do good for the environment. Sometimes referred to as "green". OK, here is where I answer the question you have all been waiting to hear. How do we stop the pet poop from piling up, if we don't use any of the methods mentioned above? In a perfect world, you would have a organic spray, that when sprayed on your doggie's dung it would dissolve it naturally within minutes before your eyes without harming any lawn or pet. I mean there are no particular binders that hold doo together and poo dissolves on its own when flushed into waste water treatment facilities. And eventually all the components of doggie stuff will undergo decomposition via enzymes such as cellulases and pectinases anyway. So why can't there be a spray out there that speeds up this process? Let me tell you dog owners, the perfect world has arrived!
